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Having a Baby at UF Health North - Virtual Tour

The birth of your new bundle of joy is one of life’s special moments. Where you decide to deliver your baby should be just as memorable. Take a virtual look inside our labor, delivery, recovery, and postpartum unit at UF Health North

Our patients frequently tell us about how they enjoyed our family-friendly delivery suites and expert care provided by our UF physicians, nurses and staff. Many others talk about the benefits of UF Health Jacksonville being the only hospital in northeast Florida to have an in-hospital obstetrician 24 hours a day, seven days a week, providing rapid response to any complications. As specialists in high-risk pregnancies, UF Health Jacksonville is fully equipped to deliver your newborn and provide all the care both of you will need.

Labor and Delivery is located on the third floor of the UF Health Jacksonville Clinical Center (main building).

Having your baby

When you arrive

Our patients are admitted through an evaluation area, called the Pregnant Women's Acute Care Center, which is within the labor and delivery unit. This removes the stress of entering through the emergency room and places expectant mothers where they need to be. Soon after a nurse settles you in, a physician will speak with you and admit you, if necessary.

Private rooms

During and after their special deliveries, mothers may keep their babies in one of our 16 private labor and delivery rooms. These large rooms are comfortably furnished with reclining chairs and loveseats that convert to beds for dads or other overnight visitors. To further relax and increase the comfort of our mothers-to-be, we have equipped two of our rooms with hot tubs.

Each private room has:

  • A private bathroom with a shower
  • A telephone
  • Cable television
  • Infant warmer
  • Fetal heart monitor linked to a sophisticated central system that allows physicians and nurses to monitor your baby
  • Access to mobile medical equipment (brought to you)
  • Reclining chair
  • Loveseat that folds out to a spare bed

Obstetric operating rooms

If you have a planned cesarean section or in the event of an emergency cesarean section, there are three dedicated obstetric operating rooms located in the labor and delivery unit. All labor and delivery personnel are fully trained as operating room staff, so that there will be no delays in your care.